What can I say about Kelly and Eduardo. I could say that they're the cutest couple ever, but you wouldn't believe me 'cause I say that all the time about all my couples. But REALLY. Seriously. THEY'RE SOOOOOOO CUTE! And sooooo in love. Want proof? Check out these two pictures. They were taken in two different locations by two different photographers (me and my sweet hubby / second shooter, Henry) at the EXACT SAME TIME, down to the SECOND. At 12:53, without even realizing it, they gave each other kisses. How insanely freakin' awesome and adorable is that?!?
Something blue :)
I love when couples write each other sweet notes to read before the wedding. In the first one Kelly was saying "Why does he have to make me cry with the very first sentence?!"
I love Eduardo's to-do list. Notice he has "bathroom break" and "get dressed" on there. Ummmm ... hopefully those are two things you wouldn't forget, Eduardo! :)
I love my goofy silly adorable couples :)
Remember Dawn & Matt's last picture? Kelly loved it so we made a Miami version :)